OAR 818-021-0080
Renewal of License

Before the expiration date of a license, the Board will, as a courtesy, mail notice for renewal of license to the last mailing address on file in the Board’s records to every person holding a current license. The licensee must return the completed renewal application along with current renewal fees prior to the expiration of said license. Licensees who fail to renew their license prior to the expiration date may not practice dentistry or dental hygiene until the license is reinstated and are subject to the provisions of OAR 818-021-0085 (Renewal or Reinstatement of Expired License), “Reinstatement of Expired Licenses.”


Each dentist shall submit the renewal fee and completed and signed renewal application form by March 31 every other year. Dentists licensed in odd numbered years shall apply for renewal in odd numbered years and dentists licensed in even numbered years shall apply for renewal in even numbered years.


Each hygienist must submit the renewal fee and completed and signed renewal application form by September 30 every other year. Hygienists licensed in odd numbered years shall apply for renewal in odd numbered years and hygienists licensed in even numbered years shall apply for renewal in even numbered years.


The renewal application shall contain:


Licensee’s full name;


Licensee’s mailing address;


Licensees business address including street and number or if the licensee has no business address, licensee’s home address including street and number;


Licensee’s business telephone number or if the licensee has no business telephone number, licensee’s home telephone number;


Licensee’s employer or person with whom the licensee is on contract;


Licensee’s assumed business name;


Licensee’s type of practice or employment;


A statement that the licensee has met the educational requirements for renewal set forth in OAR 818-021-0060 (Continuing Education — Dentists) or 818-021-0070 (Continuing Education — Dental Hygienists);


Identity of all jurisdictions in which the licensee has practiced during the two past years; and


A statement that the licensee has not been disciplined by the licensing board of any other jurisdiction or convicted of a crime.