WQWebPortal guidance

Facilities with a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) or State Waste Discharge permit may be required to use the WQWebPortal to:

I want to.

Register for the Water Quality Permitting Portal (WQWebPortal) in two easy steps

*Please note: Everything except NOIs need approval per permit number to receive access.

Step 1: Sign up for a SecureAccess Washington (SAW) account

  1. Login to SecureAccess Washington or sign up.
  2. Complete the sign up sequence to create a unique user ID and password. Enter your name and email address.
  3. Receive an email confirmation.
  4. Click on the link in the email.

Step 2: Add service for WQWebPortal

See step-by-step instructions for registration details if you will be signing.

  1. Login to SecureAccess Washington.
  2. Click on Department of Ecology from list of agencies.
  3. Under “Add a new Service,” look for “Water Quality Permitting Portal (WQWebPortal).”
  4. Click “Apply” in the left column.

After approval, you can access WQWebPortal directly

  1. Login to SecureAccess Washington.
  2. Bypass directly to https://secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wqwebportal.
Apply for permit coverage (NOI)

Step 1: Go to Permit Coverage — Notice of Intent (NOI)

  1. Click on https://secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wqwebportal.
  2. Under “My Services” go to “Water Quality Permitting Portal (WQWebPortal)”.
  3. Click on the "Permit Coverage - Notice of Intent (NOI)" link on the portal home page.

Step 2: Click on New next to your permit type

Step 3: Fill out and sign your application

  1. Fill out your entire application by completing all of the tabs.
  2. When you are done click the "Save and Continue" button.
  3. Attach any necessary information. Once files are attached click on "Save and Continue."
  4. Sign the form by either of the following methods:
    1. Use your electronic signature if you have an NOI signature on file.
    2. Use the "Print and Sign" option. Print the form, have the person in your organization with legal authority sign it, and mail it to the address on the signature page.
    Renew your permit coverage (NOI)

    Step 1: Go to Permit Coverage — Notice of Intent (NOI)

    1. Click on https://secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wqwebportal.
    2. Under “My Services” go to “Water Quality Permitting Portal (WQWebPortal)”.
    3. Click on the "Permit Coverage - Notice of Intent (NOI)" link on the portal home page.

    Step 2: Click on Renew next to your permit type

    Step 3: Enter your permit number in the box and press "Load"

    Step 4: Verify your information is accurate and sign your application

    1. Verify your information by completing all of the tabs.
    2. When you are done click the "Save and Continue" button.
    3. Attach any necessary information. Once files are attached click on "Save and Continue."
    4. Sign the form by either of the following methods:
      1. Use your electronic signature if you have an NOI signature on file.
      2. Use the "Print and Sign" option. Print the form, have the person in your organization with legal authority sign it, and mail it to the address on the signature page.
      Submit your Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)

      Facilities with an NPDES or State Waste Discharge permit are required to monitor the discharge from their facilities and to submit reports to us about this discharge.

      These reports, known as Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs), include information about the quantity of pollutants released into the environment. The report requirements differ by permit type and receiving water body.

      1. Go to https://secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wqwebportal.
      2. Click on the “Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR)” link on the right side of the portal home page to submit data.
      3. Under "my permits" select your permit and follow the prompts.

      How can I enter my DMR data?

      The WQWebDMR system has been designed to accommodate each unique DMR and facility’s situation. As such, WQWebDMR allows facilities to enter DMR data in three different ways.

      • Manually typing one monitoring point at a time through an online data entry form.
      • Copy and paste data from a spreadsheet into the online data entry form.
      • Bulk uploading data through an Excel file.

      Manually typing

      Manual entry is most useful for small DMRs with a couple of parameters to report such as Construction Stormwater Coverages.

      Copy and pasting data

      The copy and paste method is most useful for medium size DMRs that probably have 1/day (daily) reporting requirements and/or facilities that use spreadsheets to track their DMR data.

      Examples are small municipal facilities.

      Bulk uploading data

      Bulk uploading data is most useful for large DMRs with many monitoring points and multiple parameters that probably have 1/day (daily) reporting, and facilities that have large data management systems that track DMR data within their facility.

      Since reporting requirements differ by permit type and receiving water body, additional information is available on our permit-specific webpages:

      • Construction Stormwater General Permit — requires electronic application (eNOI) and submittals (eDMRs)
      • Industrial Stormwater General Permit
      • Sand & Gravel General Permit
      • Boatyard General Permit
      • Winery General Permit

      Related links

      • Step by step instructions: How to Register for WQWebDMR
      • WQWebDMR User Guide: Electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports
      • Electronic Waiver Request

      Contact information

      Water Quality Portal Team