Department of Homeland Security Information Sharing and Safeguarding Strategy

The Department's Information Sharing and Safeguarding Strategy provides strategic direction and guidance for all Department of Homeland Security information sharing and safeguarding efforts. The Information Sharing and Safeguarding Strategy expands this vision to include external information sharing efforts and is informed by the following five capstones:

  1. Manage information as a national asset.
  2. Embrace a risk-informed culture that responsibly shares and safeguards information.
  3. Protect individuals’ personally identifiable information, privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties.
  4. Promote information sharing among our homeland security partners across the Homeland Security Enterprise (HSE) through training, implementation of incentives, providing the requisite tools to share and safeguard, and fostering collaboration.
  5. Implement this Strategy as a top Departmental priority that enables leadership across the HSE to make decisions that are more informed.

Department employees share information every day in support of our mission, and the Department as a whole has made significant strides in improving our collaboration internally and with our federal, state, local, and international partners. This strategy outlines the path forward for focusing our efforts on achieving specific goals that will benefit the Department and our stakeholders, especially the American public whom we serve.

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