
A house

The Anne Arundel County Property Maintenance Code and Property Maintenance Code Article 15 Title 4 establishes minimum standards for existing residential structures and premises and is enforced by the Department of Health's Housing Protection Program.

The Housing Protection Program responds to complaints and issues notices of violations and citations based on the following conditions:

For multiple dwellings or apartments, call 410-222-0056. The Department of Health inspects licensed multiple dwellings once every two years as part of the license renewal. See the Modification of the Property Maintenance Code Application.

Property Maintenance Code Modification of the Property Maintenance Code Application Property Maintenance Code Article 15 Title 4

Exterior Maintenance of Single or Two Family Dwellings

The Anne Arundel County Property Maintenance Code requires each owner and occupant of a single or two family dwelling to maintain the exterior of each structure in good repair and in a structurally sound, sanitary condition so as not to pose a threat to the public health or safety of the community.

The structure must be fit for human occupancy.

No person shall occupy or permit another person to occupy a structure that is not in a safe or sanitary condition or that fails to meet the Property Maintenance Code requirements.

What exterior items must be maintained?

What constitutes a violation?

The Department of Health determines that a violation exists when any of the above conditions are observed. Enforcement is initiated on a complaint basis only or when community surveys are performed by the Department of Health.

How do I file a complaint?

Residents may file a complaint by contacting the Department of Health at the number listed below. The initial inspection will be conducted within 10 business days of receiving the complaint. The public may contact the Department of Health to receive updates of inspection results and enforcement procedures.

What if a homeowner fails to comply?

Failure to comply constitutes a violation of the Anne Arundel County Property Maintenance Code and is subject to warnings, notices and civil fines of $125 for the first violation, $500 for the second violation, and $1,000 for the third and any subsequent violations. Citations may be issued for each violation and for each day the violation continues to exist.

Where can I obtain more information?

Housing Protection Services Program
Anne Arundel County Department of Health
3 Harry S. Truman Parkway
Annapolis, Maryland 21401