Advertising Agreement: Definition & Sample


Below is a list of common sections included in Advertising Agreements. These sections are linked to the below sample agreement for you to explore.

Advertising Agreement Sample

This Advertising Agreement (this “ Agreement ”) is effective as of September 26, 2018 (the “ Effective Date ”) and is entered into between Hightimes Holding Corp., a Delaware corporation (“ Customer ”), and iHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc., a Nevada corporation (“ iHeartMedia ” and, together with Customer, the “ Parties ”). Each party to this Agreement may also be referred to individually as a “ Party .”

WHEREAS, Customer and Broader Media Holdings, LLC (“ BMH ”), an Affiliate of iHeartMedia, are parties to that certain Convertible Note, dated as of the Effective Date, with an initial principal amount of $5,000,000 (the “ Note ”);

WHEREAS, concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Note is being issued by Customer to BMH in consideration of a commitment from iHeartMedia under this Agreement to provide to Customer (on behalf of BMH) advertising media inventory (“ Ad Inventory ”) having an aggregate Value (as defined in Section 3.3) of $5,000,000 (the “ Initial Promotion Commitment Tranche ”);

WHEREAS, in addition to the Initial Promotion Commitment Tranche, the Parties may agree from time to time during the Term (as defined in Section 4.1), to have iHeartMedia provide to Customer (on behalf of BMH) additional Ad Inventory having an aggregate value of up to an additional $5,000,000 (the “ Maximum Additional Promotion Commitment Amount ”), in one or more tranches (each such tranche and the Initial Promotion Commitment Tranche, a “ Promotion Commitment Tranche ”), in each case in consideration of an increase in the principal amount of the Note equal to the amount of the applicable Promotion Commitment Tranche, up to, in the aggregate, the Maximum Additional Promotion Commitment Amount, as set forth in the Note;

WHEREAS, in connection with the Initial Promotion Commitment Tranche, Customer has agreed to use its best efforts to purchase $250,000 of additional Ad Inventory in cash and, in connection with each other Promotion Commitment Tranche (if applicable), Customer agrees to use its best efforts to purchase $50,000 of additional Ad Inventory in cash for each $1,000,000 in amount of such Promotion Commitment Tranche;

WHEREAS, in addition to and separate from the Promotion Commitment Tranches, the Parties may agree from time to time during the Term that iHeartMedia shall purchase on behalf of Customer and deliver for Customer Ad Inventory owned or controlled by third parties rather than by iHeartMedia or its Affiliates (“ Third-Party Ad Inventory ”), in each case in consideration of Customer’s reimbursement to iHeartMedia in cash of the purchase price paid by iHeartMedia for such Third-Party Ad Inventory plus an Agency Fee (as defined herein) calculated thereon;

WHEREAS, Customer desires iHeartMedia to provide (with respect to the Promotion Commitment Amount, on behalf of BMH), and iHeartMedia desires to provide (with respect to the Promotion Commitment Amount, on behalf of BMH), Ad Inventory to Customer pursuant to the terms and conditions below;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants set forth in this Agreement and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:

1. Definitions; Construction of Terms . Unless specifically stated otherwise herein, terms used herein with initial capital letters and not otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings set forth in Appendix 1.

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2.1. Promotion Commitment Amount; Cash Commitment; Third-Party Ad Inventory; Media Plan.

2.1.1. As used herein, the term “ Promotion Commitment Amount ” shall mean, at any given time, the aggregate then unused amounts of all Promotion Commitment Tranches. iHeartMedia shall provide Customer with (on behalf of BMH) Ad Inventory with aggregate Fees (as defined in Section 3.1) totaling the Promotion Commitment Amount (as in effect from time to time), as set forth in one or more mutually agreeable media plans agreed upon (email sufficing) by the Parties from time to time (each, a “ Media Plan ”). In connection with the Initial Promotion Commitment Tranche, Customer agrees that it shall use its best efforts to purchase $250,000 of additional Ad Inventory in cash prior to October 31, 2018 and, in connection with each other Promotion Commitment Tranche (if applicable), Customer agrees to use its best efforts to purchase at least $50,000 of additional Ad Inventory for each $1,000,000 in amount of such Promotion Commitment Tranche (with respect to each Promotion Commitment Tranche, the “ Associated Cash Commitment ”), which shall be invoiced and paid for by Customer in accordance with Section 3. The Parties will specify in each Media Plan (i) the portion of the Promotion Commitment Amount to be used pursuant to such Media Plan, (ii) the Associated Cash Commitment, (iii) the Third-Party Ad Inventory to be purchased and delivered pursuant to such Media Plan, and (iv) the Agency Fees (as defined below) associated with such Third-Party Ad Inventory, as applicable. Each such Media Plan shall be deemed an appendix to, and constitute a part of, this Agreement as if fully set forth in this Agreement. The Media Plan for the Initial Promotion Commitment Tranche and the initial Associated Cash Commitment is the initial Media Plan agreed upon by the Parties hereunder, which, if not already agreed upon as of the Effective Date, shall be agreed upon by the Parties on or before September 29, 2018 (the “ Initial Media Plan ”). The Parties acknowledge and agree that some or all of the Promotion Commitment Amount may have, as of the Effective Date, already been fulfilled by iHeartMedia in the form of Ad Inventory delivered pursuant to the Initial Media Plan, all of which (if any) shall be deemed Ad Inventory delivered under this Agreement.

2.1.2. From time to time during the Term, in addition to and separate from the Promotion Commitment Tranches, the Parties may agree that iHeartMedia shall purchase on behalf of Customer and deliver for Customer certain Third-Party Ad Inventory totaling $250,000 or greater in purchase price in each instance (each, a “ Third-Party Ad Inventory Tranche ”). To the extent the Parties agree to any purchase of Third-Party Ad Inventory: (i) such Third-Party Ad Inventory Tranche and the associated Third-Party Ad Inventory shall be set forth in a Media Plan (and, to the extent included in a Media Plan that also includes Ad Inventory provided as part of the Promotion Commitment Amount, shall be identified on such Media Plan as Third-Party Ad Inventory to be paid for in cash), (ii) at the end of each calendar month during which iHeartMedia has delivered any Third-Party Ad Inventory for Customer, iHeartMedia shall invoice Customer for an amount equal to the sum of (y) the actual cost paid by iHeartMedia for such Third-Party Ad Inventory and (z) an agency fee therefor calculated as ten percent (10%) of such actual cost (an “ Agency Fee ” and, such sum, a “ Third-Party Ad Inventory Payment ”), and (iii) Customer shall pay to iHeartMedia in cash via a wire transfer of immediately available funds, in accordance with iHeartMedia’s instructions, the amount of such Third-Party Ad Inventory Payment within thirty (30) days following the date of iHeartMedia’s invoice. For the avoidance of doubt, the Promotion Commitment Amount shall not be applicable toward any Third-Party Ad Inventory Payment or any portion thereof, all of which shall be payable only in cash. After Customer has paid iHeartMedia for a total of $500,000 of Third-Party Ad Inventory pursuant to this Section 2.1.2, if applicable, Customer shall have the right to cancel any then undelivered portion of Third-Party Ad Inventory in a Media Plan upon written notice to iHeartMedia, provided that such notice is received by iHeartMedia at least two (2) weeks prior to the date on which such undelivered Third-Party Ad Inventory is to be delivered.

2.2. Ad Inventory. iHeartMedia may provide Ad Inventory through one or more Affiliates or third-party contractors. To the extent Ad Inventory on a specific property is set forth in a Media Plan as to be delivered as part of the Promotion Commitment Amount, if such specific property is not owned and operated by iHeartMedia or its Affiliate at the time the applicable Ad Inventory is to be delivered, then iHeartMedia shall not be obligated to deliver such Ad Inventory and reserves the right to substitute such Ad Inventory with other Ad Inventory of, in the aggregate, equal Value on properties owned and operated by iHeartMedia, which shall be subject to Customer’s reasonable approval, not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed; provided, however, the iHeartMedia shall not have any obligation to deliver such replacement Ad Inventory unless and until the Parties agree thereon. All material to be transmitted or used in Ad Inventory under this Agreement shall be furnished by Customer, and all reasonable expenses of delivery to iHeartMedia and return to Customer, if so directed, shall be paid by Customer. Customer shall be solely responsible for, and shall reimburse iHeartMedia for (to the extent paid for by iHeartMedia), any and all hard costs incurred in creating or delivering Ad Inventory for Customer, including fees for the use of on air personalities, creative services fees (e.g., for developing display or video creative), third-party market research reports or data analytics, advertising agency fees, costs associated with iHeartMedia events, and other costs that are not internal iHeartMedia operating costs (collectively, “ Hard Costs ”), provided that iHeartMedia has obtained prior written approval from Customer to incur such Hard Costs (it being understood and agreed that approval via e-mail or by approving a Media Plan that specifies the Hard Costs shall be deemed written approval). For the avoidance of doubt, the Promotion Commitment Amount shall not be applicable against any Hard Costs. At the end of each calendar month, iHeartMedia shall invoice Customer for any Hard Costs paid by iHeartMedia during such calendar month and Customer shall pay to iHeartMedia in cash via a wire transfer of immediately available funds, in accordance with iHeartMedia’s instructions, the amount of such Hard Costs within thirty (30) days following the date of iHeartMedia’s invoice. Under this Agreement, iHeartMedia shall itself pay for a total of $25,000 of Hard Costs that would otherwise be payable by Customer for the development of audio assets with third parties mutually agreed upon by the Parties.

2.3. Additional Promotion Commitment Tranches. The Parties may, from time to time during the Term, agree to have iHeartMedia commit to provide (on behalf of BMH) to Customer one or more additional Promotion Commitment Tranches, in which case, on the date of such agreement, the Principal Amount of the Note shall be automatically increased, pursuant to the Note, by the amount of such additional Promotion Commitment Tranche, and the then current Promotion Commitment Amount shall be automatically increased by the amount of such additional Promotion Commitment Tranche; provided, however, that (i) the amount of each such additional Promotion Commitment Tranche shall be either $1,000,000 or a multiple of $1,000,000, and (ii) the total dollar amount of all additional Promotion Commitment Tranches (i.e., all Promotion Commitment Tranches other than the Initial Promotion Commitment Tranche) shall not in the aggregate exceed the Maximum Additional Promotion Commitment Amount.

3. Ad Inventory Valuation and Consideration .

3.1. Fees. The fees for the Ad Inventory shall be the applicable Values (as defined in Section 3.3) for the Ad Inventory, unless otherwise set forth in a Media Plan (collectively, the “ Fees ”). Fees for Ad Inventory other than Third-Party Ad Inventory and Ad Inventory to be paid for with an Associated Cash Commitment will be applied against the then-remaining Promotion Commitment Amount. Customer’s payment obligations under this Agreement are non-cancelable and Fees paid or applied against the Promotion Commitment Amount are nonrefundable. At the end of each calendar month during the Term during which iHeartMedia has delivered any Ad Inventory for Customer that is to be covered by an Associated Cash Commitment amount pursuant to a Media Plan, (i) iHeartMedia shall invoice Customer for the Fees for such Ad Inventory, and (ii) Customer shall pay to iHeartMedia in cash via a wire transfer of immediately available funds, in accordance with iHeartMedia’s instructions, such Fees within thirty (30) days following the date of iHeartMedia’s invoice. For the avoidance of doubt, Section 2.1.2, rather than the foregoing sentence, shall apply with respect to all Third-Party Ad Inventory.

3.2. Taxes. Unless otherwise stated in writing, iHeartMedia’s Fees (including Associated Cash Commitment and Third-Party Ad Inventory Payment amounts) and Hard Costs do not include any taxes, levies, duties or similar governmental assessments of any nature, including value-added, sales and use, or withholding taxes, assessable by any local, state, provincial, federal or foreign jurisdiction (collectively, “ Taxes ”). Customer is responsible for paying all Taxes associated with its purchases and payments hereunder. If iHeartMedia has the legal obligation to pay or collect Taxes for which Customer is responsible under this Section 3.2, the appropriate amount shall be invoiced to and paid by Customer, unless Customer provides iHeartMedia with a valid tax exemption certificate authorized by the appropriate taxing authority. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, iHeartMedia shall not deliver for Customer any Ad Inventory to which Taxes are applicable without the consent of Customer (which may be provided via email or by agreeing to a Media Plan that includes such Ad Inventory). For clarity, iHeartMedia is solely responsible for taxes assessable against it based on its income.

3.3. Media Valuation. Customer agrees that the types of Ad Inventory that may be delivered pursuant to this Agreement are set forth on the Ad Inventory valuation schedule attached to the Initial Media Plan (the “ Valuation Schedule ”) and shall be valued as set forth in such Valuation Schedule (such Ad Inventory’s “ Value ”), which Values shall reflect a twenty-five percent (25%) discount off of iHeartMedia’s rate card; provided, however, that the Valuation Schedule may be amended to include additional types of Ad Inventory upon mutual written agreement by the Parties and the Parties may, for subsequent Media Plans, negotiate in good faith different Values for Ad Inventory based on then-current market prices. Upon Customer’s request from time to time, iHeartMedia will inform Customer of any types of Ad Inventory not set forth on the then-current Valuation Schedule that can be made available to Customer under this Agreement and the Values associated with each such type of Ad Inventory.

4. Term and Termination .