Prepared Presentation

Participants deliver an oral presentation, using a digital slide deck, on an annual topic. New semifinal round will provide new 24 hour topic for semifinalists.

2024-25 Topic

Develop a presentation that highlights the field of digital music production, including the timeline of its origin, development, fruition, and release of the technology on a global scale.


Event Deadlines

January 11, 2024 - optional deadline

Students will need their Participant ID number, and password, from their advisor.

January Prepared Pres prompt: Evolution of Excellence

Students submit an outline of their presentation, and at least three slides, using the above prompt.

Students are not required to meet this deadline for State Conference competition in this event. However, it is very much still recommended that you do so for feedback.

March 2024 - UPDATED 2/1/824

Students will sign up Wednesday night for a time slot for their live presentation.


This event WILL have a semifinal round at State

Washington TSA Rules

To compete, students must belong to an affiliated TSA chapter, register for competition by December 15, 2023, and pay the $30 competition fee. Participants must also meet the January 11 event deadlines (see above) to “qualify” for the Washington TSA State Conference in March.

To compete at the WTSA State Conference, students must have been registered in December, met the Jan. 11 deadline, and then register in February for the State Conference ($420/$500 per student package price (4 or 2 students per room)).

At the state level, 2 individuals per chapter may compete.